$HMKR is the flagship token of the Hitmakr Ecosystem. Every token transaction directly contributes to the creation of tools, services, and platforms that simplify the lives of artists and elevate their artistic pursuits.
A substantial portion of the token tax is allocated to the ongoing development and maintenance of the Hitmakr marketplace. This ensures a seamless and evolving platform, equipped with the latest features, security enhancements, and user-centric innovations. By extension, a mobile app will be developed simultaneously, aimed to perfect a new sort of audio ingestion. This will then complete the vertical integration, and open the stage for new niches to form and flourish.
Through purposeful tokenomics, we are building a platform that not only empowers artists today but also pioneers sustainable streaming practices for a vibrant musical future.
Keep in mind:
The team began the TGE with 0 tokens, and will accumulate through systematic buybacks and token burning. These tokens will find one of 3 fates: Matriculation into the community chest, the Hitmakr Vault, be burnt to reduce supply.
The marketplace & apps will be geared towards reducing $HMKR supply, preparing for [REDACTED]
Last updated